
Program Funding

Share Your Love of Theatre Tax Receipt is mailed


Share your love of theatre and live performances. Students and families receive free admission to school and family programming through your support. Selected schools in Brantford are eligible to bring up to one class for free to special school performances. Families served by selected United Way member agencies can receive free tickets for the family to attend public family events. Donations of $20.00 or more wil receive a dontation receipt.

Sanderson Centre Foundation

Sanderson Centre Foundation Tax Receipt is mailed


Please suport the Sanderson Centre Foundation in their continuing work to fund capital improvements at the Sanderson Centre

Take a Seat Campaign Tax Receipt is mailed


Donations of $500 or more are recognized with a seat plaque and a complimentary copy of "A Century of Applause" - The history of the Sanderson Centre's first century.

Brantford Symphony Orchestra